Climate Change, The Facts
In April this year, while I was in London, a new documentary by the distinguished and loved naturalist David Attenborough was launched by the national broadcaster (BBC) on prime time television.
The title was “Climate Change, The Facts”.
And that was also the content: an honest and direct review of the climate situation as we find and understand it, the imperative it puts on us to act, and the consequences if we do not. All of which was supported by moving scenes of beautiful though unsettling video photography and David Attenborough’s gorgeous and instantly recognizable voice narration, turned now to a most serious observation of tragic reality.
The timing was fortuitous. It came during a brief lull in the ongoing Brexit disaster and additionally during the week that Greta Thunberg happened to be speaking in front of the European Parliament, where she publicly chided the assembled dignitaries for not having given climate change more focus and attention. There’s nothing quite like seeing global leaders lectured by an actually righteous teenager.
Of equal import, and perhaps even less easily ignored, was the concurrent high profile actions by the activist group Extinction Rebellion. They had chosen that week to shut-down four busy intersections in London for the entire week to bring visibility to the need to treat climate change as a true emergency requiring mobilization on massive scales. Extinction Rebellion is a well-organized and thoughtful group. Though the protests were intentionally disruptive they were organized around a simple message and straightforward demands: (1) tell the truth and declare an emergency, (2) act now to address the problem, and (3) organize citizens assemblies.
Not everyone agrees with the actions of Extinction Rebellion, because we, the people, are self-interested and short-sighted, and because we don’t like disruption and do like to complain, especially about things that we don’t understand well. Still E.R. conducted themselves with grace and civility and were sincerely apologetic at the need to interrupt people’s daily lives, and the news coverage they received was plentiful and mostly sympathetic.
David Attenborough himself is now 93 years old and one must surely assume that his esteemed career cannot continue for many more years, as he must also know. His standing though at this point in time could not be greater. He has exquisitely documented the natural world for the English speaking peoples for a glorious a sixty year career and qualifies for the highest of British informal accolades, commended by all, he is a proper national treasure.
So this trifecta of visible actions: Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, and an unflinching Attenborough documentary had a profound effect on the national discourse. Everyone was talking about climate change.
I have two observations to make about all of this. Firstly, the BBC has really missed a trick by not licensing ‘Climate Change, The Facts’ for as wide as possible an international audience. Everyone loves Attenborough. He is deeply and justifiably respected, not just in the UK but in the US and all over the planet. He delivers a most serious message in a straightforward and relatable way. This is what we need to get everyone on board about the need to act. We need serious and respected people to tell us that the situation is serious and requires sustained and substantial action. The BBC has a national responsibility, but also has global responsibilities. This documentary should be on Netflix, on PBS, on YouTube, everywhere.
Secondly, people sometimes say that it is impossible to change the national discourse and raise the relative prominence of climate change. April in the UK shows that it isn’t impossible. It is not even particularly hard. But it does require commitment, from those who know the problem, and those who have a voice.
In the US we haven’t done that yet. But we should.