Posts in Category: General


Hello. My intention for this blog is to cover an overly broad range of subjects. There will be posts that are philosophical, political, technical, magical, and whimsical, individually and possibly all at once. Themes will undoubtedly emerge. I will do my best to categorize as I go.

My motivation for starting is to have a place to put writing that I would like to not disappear quickly into the time-steam, in the way that tweets and Facebook posts do. I’m hoping that the posts will be of interest for some significant period. Posts may be infrequent though. Such is the way of things, I’m afraid.

If you would like to keep up with my posts please find the RSS feed here.

I hope to write articles which are engaging enough to pique your interest, and thoughtful enough to add something to the broader conversations. Thank you for your attention. Let me know what you think.